October is ADHD awareness month, and so I thought this would be the right time to talk about how ADHD affects women specifically. So much research has gone into the effects of ADHD in males, and this has led to boys getting a more accurate diagnosis than girls. The problem is, most scientific studies about […]
What Is Executive Dysfunction?
The brain has three main executive functions: working memory (which helps you remember what you’re doing at the present moment), cognitive flexibility (which helps you shift your thinking from one topic to another), and inhibition control (which helps you focus and stop yourself from saying and doing certain things). Executive dysfunction disrupts these functions, making […]
Dating Tips for Neurodivergent Individuals
Many neurodivergent clients I work with have shared with me that the idea of dating to them is terrifying. They feel nervous about holding their own in a conversation with someone they’ve just met as most find small talk absolutely distasteful. They don’t know how to pick up romantic cues from the other person, and, […]
How Neurofeedback Can Help with ADHD
Living with ADHD can be very challenging as the mental health condition can and often does impact interpersonal relationships, academic and work performance, and daily functioning. Traditional Treatments for ADHD Once a diagnosis of ADHD has been made, there are a variety of treatment options. Most mental health therapists recommend using a holistic approach, meaning […]
What Are the 4 Types of Amnesia?
Are you or a loved one experiencing memory loss? Maybe you’re having trouble recalling someone’s name or remembering events from your past, or you keep forgetting about plans you previously made. Perhaps you’re even misremembering something that previously occurred because your brain made a mistake when filling in the details. If any of this sounds […]
What Is High-Functioning Autism?
Autism is a developmental and neurological difference that can impact how someone behaves, communicates, interacts, and learns. Although the term “high-functioning autism” isn’t an official medical diagnosis, it’s commonly used in reference to autistic people who can speak, read, write, and perform life skills with minimal assistance. The medical community previously used the term “Asperger’s […]
Neurodivergence’s Impact on Mental Health
When we speak about human behavior or ways of being in the world, we have traditionally described someone as having normal behavior or abnormal behavior. Recently, mental health experts have begun to look at things in a broader, more inclusive scope. What Does Neurodivergent Mean? Neurodivergent is a term used to describe someone who either […]
8 Organization Tips for People With ADHD
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a type of mental disorder that can cause excessive movement and make it difficult for someone to focus and control their impulses. For many people, ADHD can also make it hard to stay organized—deadlines are missed, projects are started but not completed, and piles of clutter make it impossible to find […]
12 Signs You Might Be Autistic
Have you ever wondered whether you could possibly be autistic? Autism (often referred to as “autism”) is a neurological and developmental difference that can impact how someone learns, communicates, behaves, and interacts with others. Autism symptoms can vary from one person to another and change over time, and only a trained professional can accurately diagnose […]
4 Reasons People Begin Therapy for Eating Disorders
Eating disorders come only second to opioid overdoses, the deadliest mental illness in the United States. Every 52 minutes, the effects of this condition take a life, and 26% of these deaths occur by suicide. Many people with disordered eating patterns live in denial about causing themselves harm. How do you know if you’ve crossed the […]