Life wouldn’t be life without those little irritants that push our buttons. And when our buttons get pushed, it’s completely natural to feel angry. In fact, anger is a normal emotion that can facilitate better communication and positive change when expressed appropriately. But for some people, managing their own anger is challenging. Usually these people […]
4 Steps for Setting Academic Goals with Your Child
When children are taught how to set and achieve goals, they learn that decisions have consequences and that hard work earns rewards. As your child sets and works towards academic goals, their self-confidence will grow, and they’ll take pride in themselves and their achievements. They will learn how to focus, how to prioritize, and ultimately […]
4 Games to Improve Your Young Child’s Vocabulary
We take it for granted that babies grow into little people that eventually know how to talk. We don’t typically send them to language school and they don’t order “Rosetta Stone – Human Adult Language” courses online. Babies normally pick up language all on their own. There have been different theories on how children learn […]
Is My Toddler a “Late Talker”? Classic Signs
Many parents have clear recollections of the day their child first uttered the words, “Mama” or “Dada.” Once those two words come out, a string of words typically follows: “Doggie,” “Up,” “No,” “Yankees” (Unless of course you’re a Red Sox household), and so many more… But some children don’t begin speaking as quickly as others. […]
Not Just a Phase: Signs You May Have Adult ADHD
In the fast-paced world we live in today, it’s easy for anyone to become forgetful or get distracted. But for adults with ADHD, their difficulty maintaining attention negatively impacts their life in numerous ways. Problems begin to surface at work, in relationships, and at home. If you’re concerned you may have ADHD, here are some […]